t: 01271 343952 – m: 07789 960893 – e: info@tenchi-ryu.com
Head of Association:
Brian Stockwell
Tel: 07789 960893
Second in command:
Ray Charran (South West)
Club Secretary:
Sue Ward
Tel: 01271 343952
Lead Safeguarding Officer
Sue Ward
07527 992059
Management Committee
Brian Stockwell
Sue Ward
Ray Charran
Colin Mills
This team will oversee the general running of the club to include insurance, equity, membership, policy compliance etc
Disciplinary Panel
- Ray Charran
- Colin Mills
This team will consider all complaints and will implement BAB and Tenchi Ryu Disciplinary procedures if required.
Child Safeguarding Team
Sue Ward
Ray Charran
This team will ensure that the Aikido Alliance and Club safeguarding policies and procedures are monitored and implemented
Vulnerable Adults – advice and support: Ralph Davies
Junior Coaching Team
Brian Stockwell
Nick Brooks
Peter Petherick
Supported by
Jamie McNeil
Michelle Brailey
This team will oversee the syllabus and training requirements/standards in our junior classes
Case Management Group
Sue Ward
Ray Charran
Colin Mills
This Group will manage all cases, concerns and allegations of a safeguarding nature (including DBS Disclosure risk assessments)
- Ray Charran is a former Social Worker and Child Protection specialist
- Sue Ward has 10 years’ experience of aikido case management at national level and is trained by the NSPCC
- Colin Mills is experienced in risk assessment and will bring a “club” perspective to the group.
- Anita Griggs is avaiable to be co-opted and to advise on Adults at Risk in relation to medical capacity
Brian Stockwell
Ray Charran
Colin Mills
This team will oversee the syllabus and training requirements/standards in our adult classes and comprises of 5th dan and above only.
Brian Stockwell: overall charge of Health & Safety at Mill Lane
Colin Mills: Risk Assessments and Fire Safety (assisted by Neil Hole)
Sue Ward: additional support for Risk Assessments; will produce policy statements and updates and organise training
- Management Committee
Management Committee
Brian Stockwell
Sue Ward
Ray Charran
Colin MillsThis team will oversee the general running of the club to include insurance, equity, membership, policy compliance etc
- Disciplinary Panel
Disciplinary Panel
- Ray Charran
- Colin Mills
This team will consider all complaints and will implement BAB and Tenchi Ryu Disciplinary procedures if required.
- Safeguarding Team
Child Safeguarding Team
Sue Ward
Ray CharranThis team will ensure that the Aikido Alliance and Club safeguarding policies and procedures are monitored and implemented
Vulnerable Adults – advice and support: Ralph Davies
- Junior Coaching Team
Junior Coaching Team
Brian Stockwell
Nick Brooks
Peter PetherickSupported by
Jamie McNeil
Michelle BraileyThis team will oversee the syllabus and training requirements/standards in our junior classes
- Case Management Group
Case Management Group
Sue Ward
Ray Charran
Colin MillsThis Group will manage all cases, concerns and allegations of a safeguarding nature (including DBS Disclosure risk assessments)
- Ray Charran is a former Social Worker and Child Protection specialist
- Sue Ward has 10 years’ experience of aikido case management at national level and is trained by the NSPCC
- Colin Mills is experienced in risk assessment and will bring a “club” perspective to the group.
- Anita Griggs is avaiable to be co-opted and to advise on Adults at Risk in relation to medical capacity
- Technical Committee
Brian Stockwell
Ray Charran
Colin MillsThis team will oversee the syllabus and training requirements/standards in our adult classes and comprises of 5th dan and above only.
- Health & Safety Committee
Brian Stockwell: overall charge of Health & Safety at Mill Lane
Colin Mills: Risk Assessments and Fire Safety (assisted by Neil Hole)
Sue Ward: additional support for Risk Assessments; will produce policy statements and updates and organise training