Our Junior classes include self defence, wooden traditional weapons including basic knife defence and awareness. We have regular gradings and our junior members can also achieve Skills Badges as they progress in their training.
We operate a ‘pay as you go’ fee structure based on each class attended. You do not have to sign any long term contracts and you may cancel at any time.
Each class attended costs £5 and there is an annual membership of £25 which is paid after the first session.
NB: You do not have to pay the annual membership on your first session.
Fees can be paid by either cash or Credit Card.
We take our commitment to Safeguarding our junior members very seriously. You can view or download our safeguarding policies and procedures by clicking HERE
Nick Brooks 4th dan

Peter Petherick 4th dan

7.00pm to 8.00pm
The Aikido Centre
Mill Lane (off Mill Road)
Barnstaple EX31 1JQ
tel: 07789 960893
10.00am to 11.00am
The Aikido Centre
Mill Lane, off Mill Road
Barnstaple EX31 1JQ
tel: 07789 96089
On behalf of Tenchi Ryu Aikido I would like to welcome your child to our club
We provide classes for children and young people between the ages of 6 and 17 and all coaching is undertaken by qualified and insured coaches who are screened for their suitability for working with young people. We are keen to involve parents in the club; we welcome parents to all training sessions and value your feedback and support.
Arriving/leaving class
We appreciate it if children can arrive changed and ready to start 5 minutes before the class opens. Parents are very welcome to stay for the class, but if you leave and return to collect your child, please ensure you are at the dojo before the class ends. This ensures that you can collect your child promptly.
We allow children of 14 and over to make their own way home ONLY IF they have parental consent. If you are happy for your child to make their own way home then please make sure you have signed to confirm this (forms are available at Reception).
If you are going to be late picking your child up, please let the instructor know, preferably in advance. All instructors have a mobile phone and will be happy to let you have this contact number on request. Alternatively you can contact our Chief Instructor on 07789 960 893.
Aikido Uniform
Club training kit comprises a gi (white jacket and trousers) and belt. It is not essential that your child has this immediately (something loose and comfortable is perfectly acceptable for the first few sessions) but your child must have a suit in order to take a grading. You can purchase a suit from the Club Shop.
Health & Safety
For the safety of your child it is important that the club is informed of any medical condition/s or allergies that may be relevant should your child fall ill or be involved in an accident while at the club. We will also need a contact telephone number to use in case of emergencies. You will already have completed an application form on behalf of your child, and should have provided this information, but please let the instructor know if any of these details change.
You should also be aware that aikido does require that a coach makes physical contact with your child from time to time. This will be, for example, to correct technique or to prevent a possible accident/injury. We will also need to act ‘in loco parentis’ in your absence and will, for example, administer first aid etc. as required. By completing the application form you are agreeing to and accepting these conditions.
We thank you for choosing Tenchi Ryu Aikido and we hope you child has a really great time training with us.
If you would like more information please speak with the Class Instructor or contact:
Brian Stockwell (Head of Association and Chief Instructor) on 07789 960893
We hope that all our junior members will have a great time training with us. But we recognise that sometimes you may want to talk to someone about problems or concerns – either on or off the mat.
You can speak to your Club Welfare Officer in the first instance.
If you want to talk to someone about problems in the club and don’t want to talk to your Club Welfare Officer or your instructor, then you can contact the Tenchi Ryu Safeguarding Officer (Sue Ward) on 01271 343952 or email sue.ward.cpo@gmail.com
Our Club Welfare Officers are
Martin Birch or Jamie McNeil- or speak to any instructor
ChildLine is the free, 24-hour helpline for children and young people in the UK.
You can call about any problem, at any time – day or night.
Contact ChildLine on 0800 1111
Please speak to one of our Welfare Office (information can be found displayed in the dojo) or – if appropriate – speak with the instructor. You can also call Sue Ward (our Lead Safeguarding Officer) on 01271 343952 or 07527 992059 if you have any concerns regarding your Childs training
As a parent or carer you play a very important role in safeguarding your child from harm and helping them get the best from sport.
The information you provide and the example you set can give them the knowledge and confidence needed to deal with threatening or abusive situations.
It’s your right as a parent to be able to check how well a sports club is run, for the sake of your child’s safety and your peace of mind.
The government has produced a leaflet to help parents choose a safe sports club. It is available by Clicking Here
The Child Protection in Sport Unit sets the safeguarding standards across all recognised sports in the UK. You can access their resources by clicking here