IF YOU HAVE CONCERNS RELATING TO YOUR CHILD’S AIKIDO SESSIONS: Please call Sue Ward on 01271 343952 or 07527 992059
As a parent or carer you play a very important role in safeguarding your child from harm and helping them get the best from sport.
The information you provide and the example you set can give them the knowledge and confidence needed to deal with threatening or abusive situations.
It’s your right as a parent to be able to check how well a sports club is run, for the sake of your child’s safety and your peace of mind.
Our club is bound by the Aikido Alliance Safeguarding Policies and Procedures which can be found HERE
The government has produced a leaflet to help parents choose a safe sports club. It is available by Clicking Here
The Child Protection in Sport Unit sets the safeguarding standards across all recognised sports in the UK. You can access their resources by clicking here
Our Club codes of conduct and other relevant information can be found on our Downloads page