Tenchi Ryu Aikido upholds the principle that all members whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious belief and/or sexual identity have the right to protection from abuse. We know that some people are more vulnerable than others and so we will take extra steps to protect these groups.
The members and volunteers of Tenchi Ryu are committed to the welfare and protection of children and young people so that they can enjoy aikido activities in safety without fear, threat or abuse.

You can raise any concerns about abuse, bullying or poor practice via our Club Welfare Officers or by contacting the Lead Safeguarding Officer: Sue Ward
You can contact Sue on 01271 343952 / 07527 992059 or by emailing sueward.cpo@gmail.com
Tenchi Ryu Aikido is a member of the Aikido Alliance UK and is bound by its Safeguarding Policies and Procedures. If you do not find the information you are looking for on this website then you can visit the Aikido Alliance Web Site
You can find more safeguarding resources by clicking HERE (including how to report a concern, information for parents and junior members)
The Safeguarding Code “kite mark”of quality
The Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts recognises clubs in England who have demonstrated that they have reached and maintained good safeguarding standards. The scheme empowers parents/carers and educational establishments to make informed decisions when selecting a club or provider for their child/children, young people or adults in their care.
The Safeguarding Code in Martial Arts “mark” has been created so that parents/carers and educational establishments can clearly identity who has successfully signed up to the Safeguarding Code.
The Safeguarding Code has been developed through close consultation between Sport England, representatives from martial arts governing bodies and those with years of expertise in safeguarding.
Our lead Safeguarding Officer (Sue Ward) has achieved the UK Coaching DUTY TO CARE Badge (June 2021). This badge recognises successful completion of the following modules:
- Wellbeing — Inclusion — Mental Health — Safeguarding– Diversity